Losing weight always sounds like it’s a good thing.
But when you lose too much weight from your face or another part of your body it can leave you looking tired and hollow.
Whether it’s because you’ve lost significant weight recently or you’re recovering from a major health battle, a fat transfer at our award-winning Sydney medispa is the natural way to get you back to looking healthy and vibrant.
Generally speaking, fat transfer is a process used to move fat from one place on your body to another place that needs it.
Sometimes called “Autologous Fat Transfer”, the procedure usually takes excess fat from one place — like your belly, waist, or thighs — and injects it into another place — like your face, breasts, or even feet — where you’ve lost too much fat.
Facial fat transfer is often used when your facial features have become sunken or thin and you want to restore them to a more full, natural look. At our medispa in Sydney fat transfer is a useful technique for addressing issues in other parts of the body as well.
Your fat transfer procedure can be the solution to a variety of problems. The technique is great for addressing many concerns people have about the appearance, including:
Fat transfer won’t create dramatic changes in your appearance like implants would, but it is ideal for rounding or smoothing out a look. It also carries a substantially lower risk of complications than implants because it uses your body’s own tissue instead of foreign objects. This means the chance of your body rejecting the tissue is virtually nil.
Finally, fat transfer utilizes fat from another part of your body. Depending on how much fat is needed, you may end up with a slimmer belly or trimmed-down thighs to go with your healthier-looking face or breasts.
If you have any of the above concerns about your appearance, you might be a great candidate for a facial fat transfer procedure.
In general, good candidates are in good health and don’t have any serious medical conditions like heart disease, cancer, or an active infection. They are also non-smokers and have good skin elasticity, which will make recovery easier and lead to the most optimal results. Beyond the physical, the best candidates are also in a good state of mind. They understand the procedure well, its limits and risks, and they have realistic expectations about the procedure.
As with any cosmetic procedure, our surgeons advocate the National Law and Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) guidelines that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a second opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.
During your fat transfer procedure, we will use only a topical or regional anesthetic. This means you’ll be able to go home on the day of the procedure and will most likely have an easier time with recovery.
The first step in your procedure will be to harvest the “donor” fat, usually from your stomach or thighs. During your consultation for fat transfer Sydney medispa specialists at White Hill Clinic will have helped you identify a region with excess fat that can be removed. The technician will remove some of the fat using either a syringe and needle or liposuction if more fat is needed. This fat is then purified to prepare for injection.
Once the donor fat has been processed, it is then injected under the skin in the target areas of your face or body. The doctor will usually make several injections around the area. This ensures the even distribution of the transferred fat and allows for a more natural look. Finally, the technician will close any incisions if needed and treat the skin to prepare it to begin healing.
Recovery from fat transfer procedure is generally relatively and painless. You can expect to see some slight discoloration and swelling, especially around the donor sites if liposuction was needed.
This should dissipate in a few days, and any pain you experience should be easily managed with over-the-counter pain medications. There is a chance you may see some changes in your appearance over the first few months, but this is normal as the grafted tissue settles. There is some risk that the transferred fat may be reabsorbed by the body, so re-grafting is necessary in some cases.
After all of the swelling and redness has subsided, your final results should be readily noticeable. Where you had uneven or sharp features before, you will now see more graceful contours.
The gaunt and hollow face you once saw now has a healthy, radiant glow. You look ! It’s important to remember that the continuing care of your skin is the key to making your results last. Diligently maintain your skincare and sun protection routines, and also do your best to stick to a lifestyle of a healthy diet and regular exercise.
Are you ready to find out if facial fat transfer holds the solutions you’ve been looking for? White Hill Clinic is Sydney’s premier destination for cosmetic procedures and wellness. Serving Australians for years, we are committed to delivering high-quality care in a luxurious environment. Call 1300 512 345 or email us here to book a confidential consultation today!
White Hill Clinic Medispa in Sydney delivers effective medical procedures with oversight from award-winning cosmetic surgeons in a relaxing and luxurious environment. Schedule a spa day with us to discover why we were named the Best New Practice in Australasia!
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