For men, having an enlarged chest can cause embarrassment and low self-esteem. Gynaecomastia, also known as man boobs, can negatively affect both your social and professional life.

If you avoid taking your shirt off at the beach, participating in sports or enjoying physical intimacy with your partner, then gynaecomastia surgery could improve your quality of life. This procedure removes excess tissue from the male breast, restoring the self-esteem and self-assurance that you have been missing.

This month, we share everything you need to know about gynaecomastia surgery, from what causes male breast enlargement to what to expect during the procedure:


Gynaecomastia refers to the mild to severe enlargement of male breast tissue. This condition can occur in one or both breasts, and cause sagging, stretching or pain.

Over 50% of boys develop gynaecomastia during puberty, which will disappear naturally as they grow older. 1 in 3 men will also develop this condition during their lifetime.

Gynaecomastia is not caused by being overweight, where the enlarged chest is caused by excess fatty breast tissue. It is also different from male breast cancer, which commonly presents on one side as a lump or mass. Depending on the cause, gynaecomastia can go away by itself within 6 months to 2 years. However, if the condition is painful or difficult to cope with, there is always the option of gynaecomastia surgery.


Gynaecomastia is common in men of all ages, and can develop for multiple reasons such as hormonal imbalance, medications, drug use, genetic conditions or disease.

The most common cause of male breast enlargement is a natural imbalance between the oestrogen and testosterone hormones. This can occur in infancy, during puberty and as you become older.

The condition can also be caused by medication which affects hormones, including anabolic steroids, antibiotics and some medicines used to treat high blood pressure, stomach ulcers or depression.

Other causes of gynaecomastia include losing or gaining weight, kidney or liver disease, hereditary conditions and recreational drug use such as marijuana.


Male breast reduction surgery removes excess fatty and glandular tissue, the chest for a flatter, firmer result in proportion with your body.

Gynaecomastia surgery can be performed through liposuction or surgical excision. Liposuction removes excess fatty tissues from the chest, while surgical excision removes glandular tissue and skin. The type of surgery required will rely on the severity of your condition. Some patients may require more than one procedure for the desired result.

There should be minimal scarring, although depending on the extremity of your gynaecomastia the surgeon may have to create larger incisions to remove the excess tissue.

The benefits of having gynaecomastia surgery include improved self-esteem, reduced discomfort from tender breast tissue and being able to wear fitted clothing.

Gynaecomastia surgery can be performed through liposuction or surgical excision. Liposuction removes excess fatty tissues from the chest, while surgical excision removes glandular tissue and skin. The type of surgery required will rely on the severity of your condition. Some patients may require more than one procedure for the desired result.


Before making the decision to go under the knife, you should consider whether gynaecomastia surgery is right for you. Your best option is to book a consultation with a specialist plastic surgeon in Sydney, who will assess your condition and recommend the treatment suited for you.

Please keep in mind that any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Your surgeon should educate you about the benefits and potential complications of gynaecomastia surgery during your consultation. Before proceeding, you should always seek a second opinion from a qualified health practitioner. To learn more, see our FAQ.

Male breast reduction surgery is generally not recommended if you are overweight, are still taking the medications or substances which have caused your gynaecomastia, or if your breasts are not yet fully developed. Adolescents or younger men may be advised to wait a number of years before undergoing surgery.

Gynaecomastia surgery may be right for you if you are physically healthy, have realistic expectations, have fully developed breasts and are not smoking or using drugs.


Before your procedure, you will receive preoperative instructions from your surgeon. Please follow these instructions carefully as it can affect the outcome of your gynaecomastia surgery.

You may be advised to stop taking certain medications that could affect clotting and anaesthesia, or asked to take a particular medicine such as antibiotics. You may also need to have a blood test or other examinations before the surgery.

Arrange for a relative or friend to drive you to and from your surgery, and to stay with you for at least 24 hours after you return home in case there are any complications. Preparing a ‘recovery area’ in your home with pillows, ice packs and other necessities is also a good idea.

Finally, you should ensure that you are at a healthy weight before your surgery, as this will make the recovery process easier.


Recovery fromgynaecomastia surgerycan take between 6-12 weeks. Your surgeon will give you detailed postoperative instructions to follow, including how to care for your surgical site, what medications to take and the symptoms for any complications. If you have any concerns or issues regarding your procedure, then you should contact your surgeon immediately.

You may experience pain, bruising, swelling or numbness in your chest following male breast reduction surgery. This is normal, and you will be prescribed pain medication to deal with any discomfort.

If your gynaecomastia surgery involved tissue excision, your recovery time may be longer than with a liposuction procedure. You may also be given a compression garment to wear, which will provide support for your breasts during recovery.

It is usual to take a few days off work following plastic surgery, and if you have an active job you should take 2-4 weeks off to ensure that your chest has healed. Avoid strenuous exercise, heavy lifting, swimming and sport during this period until cleared by your surgeon.


During and after your recovery, it is important to listen to your body. If you feel tired more often than usual, then make sure you get adequate sleep so that your body can heal. If you are cleared for exercise and work but do not feel ready, then it is fine to wait a few more days before resuming strenuous activities.

The best way to maintain the results of your male breast reduction surgery is to lead a healthy lifestyle. Follow a consistent diet and exercise program, and avoid poor lifestyle choices such as smoking and drug use. Weight gain and the use of certain medications can lead to a recurrence of gynaecomastia in some patients.


When looking for a qualified plastic surgeon in Sydney for your gynaecomastia surgery, make sure that you confirm their certifications and look at their Before and After Gallery. A specialist plastic surgeon should have an extensive success portfolio, and be a member of respected professional associations such as the Royal Australian College of Surgeons.

To learn more, see our 10 top tips that will guarantee good plastic surgery.

Dr Joseph Rizk is a trusted advanced reconstructive and plastic surgeon based in Sydney. He has undergone significant training to become an expert in the fields of breast, face and body surgery. Dr Rizk has performed gynaecomastia surgery for men of all ages and backgrounds, with the aim of improving the quality of life for his patients through uniquely tailored solutions.

Considering gynaecomastia surgery? Book a consultation with Dr Rizk today.

Across the world, more and more men are turning to cosmetic surgery to look and feel younger. In fact, according to the recent statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, men accounted for about 13 percent of surgical procedures performed in 2015 in the U.S., and about 8 percent of cosmetic procedures like anti-wrinkle injections.

This trend isn’t limited to the United States. Although up-to-date plastic surgery statistics aren’t kept here in Australia, according to Dr Joseph Rizk, Australian Plastic Surgeon –  Australian men are also embracing cosmetic surgery and non-surgical alternatives. In particular, the trend of male plastic surgery is being driven by two factors. First, it’s becoming more socially acceptable for men to undergo these procedures. Male Australian celebrities now openly talk about their experiences with plastic surgery, and societally, men are now expected to maintain a younger complexion later in life.

Plus, baby boomers – who make up the largest percentage of cosmetic surgery patients – have embraced plastic surgery. Many Australian adults in their 50s and 60s are seeking to defy the aging process and achieve a more youthful experience with plastic surgery, and this generation will likely continue to drive the trend.

The Types of Men Who Seek Plastic Surgery

Men of all ages are undergoing plastic surgery and cosmetic procedures, but for the most part, there are three demographic groups that are most likely to undergo surgery. They include:

Most Common Types of Plastic Surgery for Men

The Top 5 procedures that men undergo are similar to those that women seek out. In fact, liposuction, nose reshaping and eyelid surgery are among the Top 5 for both women and men. The most common types of plastic surgery include:

The pectoral reduction is one procedure specific to men that has gained in popularity over the last five years. In the U.S., 27,000 male breast reductions were performed last year, up 5 per cent from 2014, and according to Dr Joseph Rizk, that trend is similar here in Australia.

Additionally, men are also undergoing non-surgical procedures – like anti-wrinkle injections – as well as skin resurfacing treatments in greater numbers. In 2015, the Top 5 non-surgical procedures men underwent were anti-wrinkle injections, laser hair removal, microdermabrasion, chemical peel and soft tissue fillers. This type of cosmetic work far outpaced surgical options, with numbers averaging between 100,000 to 200,000 of each procedure performed in 2015.

Cosmetic surgery is gaining popularity among men – especially as they face societal pressure to maintain youthful, fitter appearances and feel more open to these options. In particular, men in their 40s and 50s are leading the charge, and they’re seeking out traditional plastic procedures like rhinoplastyliposuction and facelift, as well as non-surgical alternatives.

Gynaecomastia (referred to as ‘man boobs’) is the enlargement of male breast tissue. It can occur in both or one breast and can present in mild to severe forms. Men who suffer from this condition are often embarrassed and it effects their social and professional life by lowering self-esteem. Occasionally the breast tissue can be painful. Obese men can appear to have man boobs however this is not true gynaecomastia.

Dr Joseph Rizk who is a Plastic Surgeon based in Burwood, Sydney, outlines 3 points a patient should ask their Plastic Surgeon.

1. What caused my ‘man boobs’?
Before Gynaecomastia surgery is performed one must know the cause of the gynaecomastia and determine if it might recur.
Man boobs appear in infancy, puberty and old age.
It is common in infancy and puberty.
When the testosterone to oestrogen ratio changes breast tissue can grow.
Gynaecomastia (the imbalance) can be caused by genetics, medications or recreational drugs or sports enhancing drugs, chronic disease or be physiological when less testosterone is made or more oestrogen is produced.

2. Do I have excess skin as well as breast tissue?
If you have excess skin you will need skin reduction surgery as well as breast tissue reduction surgery. This is important to know as it will tell you if you will have scars that are more prominent.

3. After surgery what is my recovery like?
This type of surgery requires rest and specific treatments to reduce the swelling and promote good healing. A person with an active job involving heavy lifting really does need to take 2-4 weeks of reduced duty to recover well. A garment is usually warn for 6-12 weeks.

If you have Gynaecomastia and would like a consultation, contact Dr Joseph Rizk’s office for a consultation using the form on the right side.

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