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Double Chin Reduction In Sydney

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Say “So Long” to Your Double Chin

The dreaded double chin is one of the worst parts of aging.

If it has happened to you, you don’t have to live with it anymore. And you can do away with your double chin without going through painful and time-consuming surgery.

It’s all possible thanks to fat-dissolving injections and White Hill Clinic. White Hill Clinic is Sydney’s premier destination for cutting-edge cosmetic treatments, all delivered in a comfortable and luxurious setting. If you’re ready to say “so long” to your double chin, contact us today!

What is Double Chin Reduction?

Your double chin reduction can be accomplished through non-surgical means through the use of fat-dissolving injections, also known as “Injection Lipolysis.”

This technique utilizes various medical-grade chemical compounds to attack the fat cells in your skin. The fat is liquefied and then reabsorbed by the body. While these fat-dissolving treatments can be used to eliminate fat in any part of the body.

It is especially useful for dealing with the fat that often accumulates in the chin and lower jaw. Usually, this is performed via a series of microinjections administered over several treatment sessions, reducing the deposited fat and leaving your chin looking slimmer and younger.

double chin reduction patient model looking down with hand in hair

Benefits of Double Chin Reduction

Using fat-dissolving injections to reduce your double chin provides many benefits. Because this procedure is non-surgical, it takes far less time to perform and recover from. There is substantially less pain involved in the treatment when compared to more traditional methods like a chin lift. With fat-dissolving injections, you can be in and out within an hour or so. And they cost a lot less than surgical techniques. A double chin reduction using fat-dissolving injections can be the answer if you’re interested in:

  • A more defined jawline
  • A younger-looking profile
  • Reduced-fat deposits on the chin
  • Diminished appearance of sagging skin

Every treatment we perform at White Hill Clinic is tailor-made to your needs and desires. During your consultation, we’ll discuss your concerns and explore every available option to find the solution that you feel comfortable with and will achieve your goals.

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Am I a candidate for Double Chin Reduction?

In general, the best candidates for a double chin reduction using fat-dissolving injections are in good overall health. They don’t have any heart or circulatory conditions that could impair the effectiveness or safety of the process, and they don’t have any other major health conditions like cancer or diabetes.

They also have skin that’s in good condition, with healthy elasticity and resilience that will ensure optimal results. They’re at or near their ideal weight and committed to maintaining a healthy diet and exercise routine. Finally, they understand the risks of the treatment, and they have healthy, realistic expectations for the procedure.

Before you proceed with any cosmetic procedure, we always recommend you seek out a second opinion from another qualified healthcare professional. Any treatment has risks, so we encourage you to educate yourself and be evaluated from multiple sources before having any elective work done.

Double Chin Reduction

Injection Lipolysis for a double chin reduction is performed in-house at White Hill Clinic and the treatment plan is crafted to meet your specific needs and goals. Most procedures take less than an hour and require only a mild anesthetic.

After your skin is appropriately numbed, your technician will use a tiny syringe-and-needle tool to inject small doses of the fat-dissolving chemicals under your skin. They’ll typically make injections in several locations around the targeted area to adequately target the entire fat deposit and ensure natural-looking results.

Most double chin reductions require several applications of fat-dissolving injections done over a series of appointments. This will be outlined in your treatment plan before your first visit. The number of visits and injection treatments necessary will all depend on the extent and condition of the skin and fat deposits you want to treat.

Your Double Chin Reduction Recovery

Recovery after each round of fat-dissolving injections is relatively painless and . You may experience some redness and swelling in the treated area, but the pain should be minimal.

As the fat dissolves and is reabsorbed by your body, the swelling should subside. Fat-dissolving injections do carry a slight risk of complications based on how well your body responds to the treatment. We’ll make sure to discuss these possibilities with you before your first treatment and inform you of what signs to watch for. As always, we’re here to address any concerns or questions you may have at any time.

Your Double Chin Reduction Results

About six to eight weeks after your final treatment, your results should be readily visible. The loose, saggy look of your double chin should be gone, and you should see a stronger, younger-looking profile. While the fat-dissolving injections target existing fat, it’s important to remember that they can’t prevent new deposits from forming. It’s critical that you stick with a balanced diet and regular exercise to enjoy your slimmed-down look for years to come.

Learn more about Double Chin Reduction in Sydney with a consultation atWhite Hill Clinic

Are you ready to say “goodbye” to your double chin? Contact the highly professional team at White Hill Clinic today! We were named “New Practice of the Year, Australia” by the MyFaceMyBody Awards in 2020, and we are committed to giving you the most advanced cosmetic treatments available, all delivered in a luxurious setting. To schedule your appointment today, click here now. We look forward to serving you!

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White Hill Clinic Medispa in Sydney delivers effective medical procedures with oversight from award-winning cosmetic surgeons in a relaxing and luxurious environment. Schedule a spa day with us to discover why we were named the Best New Practice in Australasia!

DOUBLE BAY, Suite 301, Level 3, 451 New South Head Road, Double Bay NSW 2028

STANMORE, SHOP 1, 2-6 Bridge Road, Stanmore NSW 2048